Watannin musulunci masu alfarma guda huɗu ne, wanda sune Allah Madaukakin sarki yayi ishara da su a cikin Alƙur'ani mai girma, wanda kuma ya haramta mana saɓo da kuma zaluntar kai a cikinsu, tare da cewa a kowane hali Allah ya haramta mana zaluntar kawunan mu, amma acikin waɗannan watannin hanin yafi tsanani.
(فَلا تَظلِموا فيهِنَّ أَنفُسَكُم...۞)
"Sabõda haka kada ku zãlunci kawunanku a cikinsu..." Quran-9:36
"Allah Madaukakin sarki yace kada mu zalunci kawunan mu acikinsu, bawai don su kaɗai bane ba'aso muyi zaluncin kawunan namu ba, a'a zaluntar kai yafi tsanani acikinsu"
1. Aikata saɓon Allah.
2. Barin Ɗa'a Ga Allah.
Article Translation in English Language.
"There are four sacred months of Islam, which are the ones mentioned by Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur'an suratul Tawbah verse 36, and which forbids us to transgress and abuse ourselves in them, saying that in any case God forbids us to transgress ourselves, but in these months the prohibition is more severe".
"Therefore do not oppress yourselves in them..." Quran-9:36 -
"Allah the Almighty said that we should not oppress ourselves, it is not only in them that we do not oppress ourselves, but oppression is more serious forbid in these four sacred months"
These are the four sacred months.