Saturday, March 22, 2025

Sunayen 'ya'yan nana fatima

Sunayen ya'yan nana fatima

Nana fatima (A.S) Yar Manzon Allah tsira da amincin Allah su kara tabbata a gareshi ta haifi Yaya har guda biyar a lokacin rayuwarta tare da mijinta Sayyidina Ali (RA).

Sunayen yayan sune kamar haka:
1- Hasan
2- Husayn
3- Muhsin
4- Zaynab
5- Umm Kulthum.

Article Translation in English Language.

Nana Fatima (A.S), the daughter of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, gave birth to five children during her  lifetime with her husband Sayyidina Ali (RA). 

The names of the her children are as follows: 
1- Hasan 
2- Husayn 
3- Muhsin 
4- Zaynab 
5- Umm Kulthum.



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