Thursday, March 20, 2025

Sunayen Aljanna guda bakwai 7

Sunayen Aljanna guda bakwai 7

Aljanna waje ne da Allah Madaukakin sarki yayi alkawarin shigar da bayinsa wadanda Suka yi mashi da'a Suka bauta mashi a rayuwarsu ta duniya. 
Kuma kamar yadda Alkur'ani da Hadisin Manzon Allah (S.A.W) Suka yi mana Bayani, Aljanna ta kasance matsayi-matsayi ce ga bayin Allah.
Kowane Musulmi akwai nau'in kalar Aljannar da zai shiga, gwargwadon Matsayin imaninsa da da'arsa ga Allah Madaukakin sarki a lokacin da ya rayu a duniya. Wadannan sune Aljanna guda 7 da Allah (S.W.T) ya yi wa bayinsa wadanda Suka bauta mashi a duniya Alkawarin shigar da su.

1- Jannat-al-Adan 
2- Jannat-al-Firdaws
3- Jannat-an-Naim
4- Jannat-ul-Mawa 
5- Jannatul Khuld (Dar-ul-Khuld)
6- Jannatul Salam (Dar-us-Salam)
7- Jannatul Maqam (Dar-ul-Maqam)

Article Translation in English Language.
Paradise is the place where God the Almighty promised to admit his servants who worshiped him in this world. 
And as the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Messenger of God (S.A.W) explained to us, Paradise is a position for the servants of God. 

Every Muslim has a type of Paradise that he will enter base on  his belief and conduct towards God Almighty during his life in this world. 
These are the 7 Paradises that Allah (S.W.T) promised His servants to enter them.

These are the names of seven heaven (jannat).
1- Jannat-al-Adan (Garden of Eden)
2- Jannat-al-Firdaws (Garden of Delight)
3- Jannat-an-Naim (Garden of Paradise)
4- Jannat-ul-Mawa (Paradise of Delight)
5- Dar-ul-Khuld (Garden of Eternity)
6- Dar-us-Salam (Abode of Peace)
7- Dar-ul-Maqam, where righteous souls reside.



Etiam at libero iaculis, mollis justo non, blandit augue. Vestibulum sit amet sodales est, a lacinia ex. Suspendisse vel enim sagittis, volutpat sem eget, condimentum sem.