Saturday, March 1, 2025

Sahifa Sajjadiyya Android App free download

Sahifa Sajjadiyya Android App free download

contains some of the prayers of the fourth Imam of the Shiites


Saheefa Kamila Sajjadiyya contains some of the prayers of the fourth Imam of the Shiites, ‘Ali ibn al-Husayn, also known as Zayn al-Abideen (lit. the adornment of the worshippers), and al-Sajjad (lit. one frequently prostrating himself before his Lord) in the form of fifty-four du‘as (prayers), has provided a rich treasure of divine knowledge and [methodology of] man’s relationship with God, Exalted is He. This book has always been seriously considered by many true scholars and mystics, to the point that it has been called the Psalms of Muhammad’s Household. The present App which deals with du‘a (prayer/supplication), has been designed and developed by Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences.

An Introduction to Saheefa Sajjadiyya App

This application (App) is prepared free of charge for the esteemed users of mobile phones with Android operating system. In this version, in addition to the text of Saheefa Kamila Sajjadiyya; various translations and commentaries of the text are provided. Other capabilities such as content search, subject list, dictionary and page audio, etc. have also been provided for the users. All content of the App is displayed online and with an Internet connection, but users can use the text, translations, two commentaries and a dictionary offline after disconnecting from the network. In addition, the recitation audio file of the page can be played offline after downloading.

App content

  The different parts of the Saheefa Sajjadiyya App are:

The text of Saheefa Kamila Sajjadiyya:

including fifty-four prayers with translation and recitation.

Translation and commentary:

including translations of the book into Persian, and its explanations in Persian and Arabic. 

Thematic Index:

Thematic Index of Saheefa Sajjadiyya in two separate sections of Arabic and Persian. 


It provides sub each sentence of Saheefa Sajjadiyya the definition of the words contained therein.

Part of the rich content of this program has been prepared in Computer Research Center of Isfahan Islamic Seminary

Search is possible in the Thematic Index and the Arabic text and scripture of Saheefa Sajjadiyya. You can also search for titles of the du‘as, their texts as well as the content of translation and commentary.

Download and Install this App (3MB)

Install from Google Play 


Books and Reference App 


Noor Mobile Apps

Last Update

01 March, 2025

Version Requirement

Minimum 5.0+

Application Version


Application Size




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