Monday, March 10, 2025

Rayuwar Annabi Muhammad (S.A.W) Android App free download

Rayuwar Annabi Muhammad (S.A.W) Android App free download

Cikakken Bayani Akan Rayuwa Fiyayyen Halitta Annabi Muhammad SWA

Wannan Manhaja ta kunshi karatun marigayi Sheikh Jafar Mahmud Adam akan rayuwar manzon Alllah SWA cikin sautin murya.

Zaku ilimantu da yadda rayuwar Annabi Muhammad ta kasance a lokacin rayuwarsa tun daga haihuwarsa.

Idan kuna so kusan tarihin Annabi to wannan zai taimaka muku sosai wajen samun ilimi.

Article translation in English Language 
Detailed information on the life of the Prophet Muhammad SWA This Curriculum contains the reading of the late Sheikh Jafar Mahmud Adam on the life of the Messenger of Allah SWA in a voice. 

You will learn how the life of the Prophet Muhammad was during his life since his birth. 
If you want to know about the history of the Prophet then this will help you a lot in getting knowledge.

Download and Install this App (17.6MB)

Install from Google Play 


Education App 



Last Update

10 March, 2025

Version Requirement

Minimum 4.4+

Application Version


Application Size




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