Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Nasiha da fadakarwa akan hakuri a musulunci

Nasiha da fadakarwa akan hakuri a musulunci

Hakuri Wani abu ne da ke da matukar muhimmamci ga Musulmi Kuma yake da tarin lada mara mara misaltuwa ga duk Wanda yayi shi, sai dai Yana da matukar wahalan aikatawa.

Hakika ba nadama ga duk Musulmin da yayi hakuri ga dukkan jarabawar da Allah Madaukakin sarki ya yi mashi a rayuwa, matukar yayi imanin cewa wannan jarabawar daga Allah ne ba daga waninsa ba.
Zamu fahimci irin tarin lada da wadanda Suka yi hakuri a rayuwarsu ne idan Muka duba yadda Allah Madaukakin sarki ya rinka fadin matsayin Wanda duk yayi hakuri a cikin Alkur'ani mai girma.

Ayar Kur’ani a cikin suratu Baqarah (2:153) tana karantar da muhimmancin hakuri: 
Inda Allah Madaukakin sarki ke cewa “Ya ku wadanda suka yi imani, ku nemi taimako da hakuri da addu’a, lallai Allah yana tare da masu hakuri”. Wannan ayar tana tunatar da musulmai cewa idan muka yi hakuri da kowace irin jarabawar da Allah ya jarabcemu da ita, za mu kusanci Allah SWT.

Saboda haka 'yan uwana Musulmi mu yi hakuri a dukkan halin da Muka tsinci kan mu, mu dage da Addu'ar Allah Madaukakin sarki ya bamu mafita, domin rayuwar Musulmi a kullun cikin jarabawa take daga wannan sai wannan, Kuma babu Mai rabauta daga jarabawar Allah sai Wadanda Suka yi Imani da shi Kuma Suka yi hakuri.

Article Translation in English Language.
Patience is something that is very important for Muslims and it has a lot of incomparable rewards for anyone who does it, but it is very difficult to do.

Indeed, there is no regret for any Muslim who is patient with all the trials that God Almighty has given him in life, as long as he believes that this trial is from God and not from anyone else. 

We will understand the rewards of those who have been patient in their lives if we look at how God the Almighty has spoken about the position of the one who is patient in the Holy Qur'an.

The Qur'anic verse in Surah Baqarah (2:153) teaches the importance of patience: Where Allah Almighty says 
"O you who believe, seek help with patience and prayer, indeed Allah is with those who are patient". 
This verse reminds Muslims that if we persevere with every kind of trial that Allah tests us with, we will get closer to Allah SWT.

Therefore, my Muslim brothers and sisters, let us be patient in all the situations we find ourselves in, and let us pray to God Almighty to give us a way out, because the life of a Muslim is in trials every day from this to this, and there is no one who can escape from God's trials except those who believe in him and are patient.



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