Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Muhimmancin sada zumunta a musulunci

Muhimmancin sada zumunta a musulunci

Jama'a Assalamu Alaikum, barkanmu da warhaka.

A cikin wannan mukalar zamu kawo  maku Bayani game da zumunta a musulunci.

Zumunta ko zumunci Abu ne da yake da matukar muhimmamci ga Musulmi duba da yadda Manzon Allah (S.A.W) ya kwadaitar da mu irin ladan da duk Wanda ya kulla zumunta saboda Allah zai Samu a cikin hadisin da Abu Dawud ya ruwaita Inda yake cewa:

Manzon Allah  ﷺ ya ce: “Allah mai Girma da daukaka ya ce: “Ni ne Mai rahama (ar-Rahman) Ni ne na halicci zumunta kuma na samar da sunansa daga sunana, Hakika duk wanda ya kulla zumunta to zan kulla alaka da shi, kuma zan yanke alaka da duk Wanda ya yanke zumunta.

Article Translation in English Language.

Assalamu Alaikum Muslim brothers and sisters, In this article we will bring you information about kinship in Islam. 

Kinship is something that is very important for Muslims considering how the Messenger of God (S.A.W) encouraged us the reward that everyone who establishes friendship for the sake of God will get, in the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud in his Sunan where he says: 

'Abdu'r-Rahman ibn 'Awf heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, "Allah, the Almighty and Exalted, said, 'I am the Merciful (ar-Rahman). I have created ties of kinship and derives a name for it from My Name. If anyone maintains ties of kinship, I maintain connection with him, and I shall cut off anyone who cuts them off.'"



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