Shirka kishiyar tauhidi ce, manufar Musulunci ta kadaita Allah.
Yana tattare da jingina ikon Ubangiji ko bauta ga wanin Allah.
Shirka zunubi ne babba: Ana daukar shirka a matsayin zunubi mafi girma a Musulunci, domin Yana musanta ainihin ka'idar tauhidi ta Musulunci, wadda ita ce Allah daya ne.
Misalin Shirka:
Bauta wa gumaka ko wasu abubuwan bauta.
Dangana ikon Ubangiji ga wani ko wanin Allah.
Neman taimako ko dogaro da wani ko wanin Allah.
Rantsuwa da wani ko wanin Allah. Ra'ayin Al-Qur'ani: Al-Qur'ani ya jaddada
Article Translation in English Language.
Shirk is the opposite of tawhid, the Islamic concept of the absolute oneness of God.
It involves attributing divine qualities or worship to anything or anyone other than Allah.
Why it's a major sin:
Shirk is considered the most serious sin in Islam because it denies the fundamental principle of Islamic monotheism, which is that Allah is one and unique.
Examples of Shirk:
Worshipping idols or other deities.
Attributing divine powers to anyone or anything other than Allah.
Seeking help or relying on anyone or anything other than Allah.
Swearing by anyone or anything other than Allah.
Quranic Perspective:
The Quran emphasizes the importance of tawhid and warns against shirk, stating that those who die in a state of shirk will not be forgiven.