Thursday, March 27, 2025

Hoton masallacin Madina

Wadannan hotunan masallacin Madina kenan, wato masallacin Manzon Allah (S.A.W) Wanda aka fi sani da masjid nabawi da larabci.

Masallacin Madina, masallaci ne dake da dunbin tarihi a musulunci, daya ne daga cikin masallatai uku mafiya daraja a duniya, masjid haramain dake birnin makka da masji nabawi dake birnin Madina sai masjid Al aqsa dake birnin Jerusalem na kasar Palestine.

Wasu daga cikin hotunan masallacin Manzon Allah (S.A.W) dake birnin Madina.

Article Translation in English Language.

These are the pictures of the Medina mosque, which is the mosque of the Messenger of God (S.A.W), which is better known as Masjid Nabawi in Arabic. 

Madina Mosque is a mosque with a long history in Islam, it is one of the three most prestigious mosques in the world, Masjid Haramain in the city of Makkah and Masjid Nabawi in the city of Madinah and Masjid Al Aqsa in the city of Jerusalem in Palestine. 

Some of the pictures of the mosque of the Messenger of God (S.A.W) in the city of Medina.



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