Hadith Sunan Abu Daud - Complete with translation, Detailed and PerKategori
Sunan Abu Dawud is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Abu Dawud, is one of the Kutubut Tis'ah (nine major hadith books in Sunni circles). Hadith Sunan Abu Daud
Sunan Abu Dawud is divided into several books where each book consists of several chapters. Some chapter titles show Imam Abu Dawud's fiqh of the hadiths contained in it. Hadith Sunan Abu Daud
In Sunan Abu Dawud there are 15 qudsi hadiths in 9 books, all of which are valid. Among them are two similar qudsi hadiths with different sanads. Hadith Sunan Abu Daud
Brief Biography of the Author:
Imam Abu Dawud
His full name is Abu Dawud Sulaiman bin Al-Ash'ab bi Syaddad bin Amr bin Amir. Abu Dawud was born in 202 Hijriyah and died in 275 Hijriyah. His famous book in the field of hadith is "Sunan Abu Dawud". Abu Dawud had studied science since he was a child. At around the age of 18, Abu Dawud began to pay attention to the hadith sciences. For this purpose, Abu Dawud made various visits to various countries to get quality hadiths. Among the countries or cities visited by Abu Dawud are: Sijistan, Iraq, Kufa, Basrah, Jazirah (Harran region, Iraq), Sham (Syria), Hijaz (Makkah and Medina), Khurasan and Ray (both in Iran). Like muhadditsin (hadith scholars), Abu Dawud also studied with several figures, including: Sulaiman bin Harb, Al-Qa'nabi, Muslim bin Ibrahim, and others.
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Last Update | 05 March, 2025 |
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