Wankan tsarki Wanda aka fi sani da wankan janaba, ko wankan jinin al'ada ko wankar shiga musulunci, wankar gawa, wajabi ne ga duk Musulmin da ya tsinci kanshi a daya daga cikin wadannan abubuwan da aka Ambato yayi wankar tsarki.
farillan wankan tsarki guda biyar ne
(1) yin niyya yayin fara wanka
(2) game jiki da ruwa
(3) ruwan mai tsarki
(4) gaggautawa
(5) cuccudawa farillan wanka sun kare
sunnonin wankan tsarki guda biyar ne.
(1) wanke hannaye zuwa ku'u kafin shigar su acikin ruwa
(2) kurkurar baki
(3) shaka ruwa
(4) facewa
(5) shafar fatun kunnuwa
BABIN MUSTAHABBAN WANKAN TSARKI mustahabban wankan tsarki guda bakwai (7) ne.
(1) farawa da wanke najasa daga jiki
(2) sannan cika gabban alwala
(3) wanke madaukaki kafin kasa
(4) wanke kansa sau uku
(5) farawa da damammaki kafin hagu
(6) da karanta ruwa bada iyaka ba (7) da gabatar da alwala in yaso in kuma yaso jinkirta har zuwa karshen wankan sa.
Allah Shine Masani Akan Komai.
Article Translation in English Language.
Ghusl is a major ablution as opposed to wudu which is a minor ablution.
In Islamic laws, ghusl is considered an act of worship; it is an act of purifying oneself from the ritual impurity (najasat) caused by sexual intercourse, discharge of semen or blood, and by touching the dead body.
The ritual bath given to a dead Muslim before burial is also known as ghusl.
The ghusl for each of these causes has different names: Purification from the impurity caused by sexual intercourse or discharge of semen is known as ghusl janabat. Purification from the impurity caused by menstruation is known as ghusl hayd.
Purification from the impurity caused by irregular bleeding is known as ghusl istihadah. Purification from the impurity caused by post-natal bleeding is known as ghusl nifas.
In Islamic laws, death is also considered a cause of ritual impurity of a Muslim's body. Therefore, a dead Muslim has to be washed ritually before the burial ceremony.
Such a ritualistic bath for a dead Muslim is known as ghusl mayyit. Touching a dead body, before the ritualistic bath, also makes one impure (najis).
Purification from this impurity is known as ghusl mass mayyit.
Watch how to perform Ghusl in this video