Hakika karanta Suratul kahfi a ranar juma'a Yana da matukar Falala ga Musulmi duba da wadannan Hadisan da Manzon Allah (S.A.W) ya kwadaitar da mu game da muhimmamcin karanta Suratul kahfin a ranar juma'a.
Manzon Allah (S.A.W) Yace: ''Duk wanda ya karanta suratul kahfi a ranar juma'a, Zata kasance haske a gare shi, wanda zai haskaka shi har zuwa wata Juma'a mai zuwa.''
A wani hadisi kuma:
Manzon Allah tsira da Amincin
Allah su kara tabbata a gareshi ya ce:
''Wanda duk ya karanta suratul-kahfi a ranar juma'a haske zai kasance a gareshi daga kasan duga-dugan shi, har zuwa giza-gizai dake sama, kuma zata kasance haske a gareshi ranar tashin kiyama, kuma za'a yafe masa zunubansa dake tsakanin juma'a guda biyu.''
Kuma kada mu manta da Yawaita salati ga Manzon (S.A.W) a wannan Ranar ta juma'a domin samun gafara da rahamar mahalicci Allah (S.W.T).
Allah Madaukakin sarki ya bamu ikon aikatawa,Amin ya Rabbi.
Article Translation in English Language.
Indeed, reading Surat al-Kahfi on Friday is very beneficial for Muslims, looking at these Hadiths that the Messenger of God (S.A.W) encouraged us about the importance of reading Surat al-Kahfi on Friday.
The Messenger of God (S.A.W) said: "Whoever recites Surah Kahfi on Friday, it will be a light for him, which will illuminate him until the next Friday.
"In another hadith: May the Messenger of God be safe and secure May God bless him more and he said:
"Whoever recites Surah al-Kahfi on Friday, light will be for him from the bottom of his heels to the clouds above, and it will be light for him on the Day of Resurrection, and his sins between two Fridays will be forgiven.
"And let's not forget to pray a lot for the Messenger (S.A.W) on Friday to get the forgiveness and mercy of the creator God (S.W.T).
May God Almighty give us the ability to do, Amen O Lord.