Sunday, March 9, 2025

Dua Al Qunoot MP3 Offline Android App free download

Dua Al Qunoot MP3 Offline Android App free download

Al Qunut Audio Offline + Text in Arabic, Transliteration & English (All In One).


Beautiful, amazing and very emotional Dua qunoot collection just for you. If you want to learn the dua qunut to make dua during Ramadan or tahajjud or just in your normal prayers then this is the app for you. All dua qunoot offline are mp3 and works without internet connection. al qunut audio offline

In this App you'll find the following Dua e Qunoot :

01. Al Qunoot Sudais

02. Al Qunut Sheikh Idris Abkar

03. Dua Abdur Rahman Al Sudais

04. Du'a Abdul Basit Abdus Samad

05. Dua e Qunoot Abdul Rahman Al Sudais

06. Amazing dua by sheikh Mahir

07. Dua Qunoot Mahir al Muaiqly

08. Al Qunut Majed Az Zamil

09. AlQunut Sheikh Shuraim

10. Dua el Qunut Mishary Rashid Alafasy

11. Very emotional dua by Sudais - Alsodes

12. Dua khatam al Quran (Dua completion of The Qur'an)

13. Amazing must listen dua by Sheikh Muhammad Jibril mp3

14. Qunut Dua

15. Du'a by Sheikh Ahmed Al Ajmi (Al Agami)

16. Du'a Ahmad Sulaiman Nigeria

17. Emotional and relaxing by Sheikh Abdur Rahman al Busy ( Sheikh Alossi).

"Qunut" (Arabic: القنوت‎; also transliterated Qunoot) literally means "being obedient" or "the act of standing" in Classical Arabic. The word Dua is Arabic for supplication, so the longer phrase Dua Qunut is sometimes used.

Al-Qunoot has many linguistic meanings, such as humility, obedience and devotion. However, it is more understood to be a special du'a which is recited during the prayer. Du'aa al-Qunoot

Qunoot, according to the definition of the fuqaha’, “is the name of a du’aa’ (supplication) offered during prayer at a specific point while standing.” It is prescribed in Witr prayer after the rukoo’ (bowing), according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions.

If a calamity (naazilah) befalls the Muslims, it is prescribed to say Du’aa’ al- Qunoot after standing up from rukoo’ in the last rak’ah of each of the five daily obligatory prayers, until Allaah relieves the Muslims of that calamity.

If you enjoy my app, please don't keep quiet. Rate it in the store and leave your review. Let me know which of the qunoots you love the most. Also share this app with other Muslims.

Thank you for checking this dua e qunoot with audio offline

Download and Install the App XAPK (60MB)

Install Google Playstore


Music and Audio App 



Last Update

09 March, 2025

Version Requirement

Minimum 4.4+

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