Friday, February 28, 2025

Madani Channel Android App free download

Watch or Listen Madani Channel anywhere in the world on your Android device.

The I.T. department of DawateIslami has launched its new mobile application named Madani channel. It is based on a renowned religious channel. It is the only unique Islamic Channel that displays only Islamic content. Every Islamic program has its own significance. This Islamic channel shows various programs and Madani Muzakra is one of them. It would not be wrong if we say it kids channel because it displays multiple programs which relate to the children. Users may also watch video streaming and audio streaming as well. However, the Channel has a wide range of top-rated Islamic TV Programs. Certainly, it is a blessing for the Muslim ummah. Islamic content is a dire need for our societies and this religious channel is doing its best. It has a marvelous UI and it is user friendly.

Prominent Features


This application contains a brief introduction to Madani channel. It gives you information about the channel and tells you what it actually does.

Islamic TV Programs

Users may watch Islamic programs. It allows you to watch the live Islamic programs of different religious persons.

Multiple Languages

For the user’s convenience, Madani channel app is now in multiple languages. It spreads the teaching of Islam as per Islamic laws.

Video & Audio Streaming

By having this application, users may watch live video streaming. It also allows its users to have audio streaming.

Radio Services

Users may also listen to Madani channel by using its radio feature. By having this feature, users can listen to Tilawat e Quran, Al Quran Kareem with translations, Madani muzakra and naat.


Users may share this app link on Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, and on other social media sites wherever they want.

We warmly welcome your suggestions and recommendations.

Download and Install this App (8MB)

Install from Google Play 


Video Players and Editor App 


IT department of Dawateislami

Last Update

28 February, 2025

Version Requirement

Minimum 5.0+

Application Version


Application Size




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