Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Maani Al-Quran Word for Word in Urdu Android App free download

Maani Al-Quran Word for Word in Urdu Android App free download

Maani ul Quran al Kareem - قرآن پاک اردو ترجمہ App is a concise, easy-to-read guide that enables readers to understand the deeper meanings of the Quran and to reflect upon its relevance in the present world. Easy Urdu translation of Mani ul Quran in a word by word style.

Read the Holy Al Qur'an (القرآن الكريم) in Arabic alongside its word by word Urdu translation. 12 Line Holy Quran is especially designed for Hafiz, Muslims who completely memorize Quran in madrasa, school and religious institutions. This special edition has a specific standard format of eight lines per page and every page ends with an ayat. This Al Quran with Urdu Translation app provides you with the full Qur'an with 2 parts Surah Names and Parah Name index that has all 30 chapters and Surah index has all 114 surahs as well as its full Urdu translations . Al Quran with Urdu Translation is a FREE without any limitation. Quran application is a concise, easy-to-read guide that enables readers to understand the deeper meanings of the Quran and to reflect upon its relevance in the present world.

"Quran e Kareem, A true book from Allah. Every Muslim should listen and recite Koran."

12 line Al - Quran application gives you easiest way to read Holy Quran. This Application included 12 lines per page Holy Quran that is Commonly used by huffaz ( Hafiz ) for hifz e Quran and easy to understand with word by word Urdu translation. Each page has 8 rows of text which helps students remember the location of text. Al Quran with Urdu Translation is a concentrate of the best quran reciters in the world, an amazing user interface design and the best set of features. Beautiful Arabic font and Urdu Translation of Coran. This app doesn't need any external data download after installation. This is only a single file download, just install and enjoy the app. This app includes Search Bar facility in choosing the desired Surah of the Holy Book. Bookmarks Allows the user to favorite or save a particular part of the recital process in order to continue from the same place where it left and Urdu Translation Helps in better understanding the concepts and revelations of Quran by interpreting the meaning of Arabic language in Urdu. this app also provide you the facility to Share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, WLAN, Bluetooth, WiFi Direct etc...

Download the Al Quran with Urdu Translation now and enjoy the Quran e kareem reading experience loved by millions!

The Noble Qur'an is the central religious text of Islam. Muslims believe the Qur’an is the book of Divine guidance and direction for mankind, and consider the original Arabic text the final revelation of Allah (God).

Download and Install this App (14MB)

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Education App 


Pak Appz

Last Update

25 February, 2025

Version Requirement

Minimum 4.1+

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