Monday, February 24, 2025

Islamic Motivational Quotes Android App free download

Islamic Motivational Quotes Android App free download

Islamic short motivational quotes from Quran.

Short verses from Quran in this educational app which purpose is to motivate you to search more verses in Quran and wake you up.

In this first release is a lot of islamic motivational quotes from Quran and also in the app is music without instruments whose goal is to beautify the experience motivation in reading this motivational islamic quotes from the Quran.

By further time we will update app with more islamic motivational quotes.

“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.“

 [Quran: Surah Ar- Ra’d 13: Ayah 11 ]

Are you waiting for the “right moment” to take the first step towards change? Or maybe you’re waiting for someone else to help you?

If you can’t get up and help yourself, why should someone else bother helping you? 

Think about that every time you wish someone around you should drag you out of a slump. 

Even Allah S.W.T, the Only One who is truly in Power, says He won’t help you unless you help yourself. You can ask Allah S.W.T to give you strength and patience, but the active work can only be done by you and you alone. 

5. “And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out and will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him…“

 [Quran: Surah At-Talaq 65: Ayahs 2-3 ]

This is one of my favorite Ayahs of The Quran. When a Muslim has Taqwah– fear of Allah S.W.T, Allah gives him opportunities and opens doors for him that he didn’t even know existed. 

Then Allah S.W.T talks about the next great quality a Muslim can possess- Tawakkul. Trust in Allah and His plans. 

So make Taqwah and Tawakkul your new best friends. Life will get easier.

 “And that there is not for man except that [good] for which he strives“

 [Quran: Surah Najm 53: Ayah 39]

Again, Allah S.W.T is ushering us to work hard for the things we want in Dunya and Akhirah. 

We might not get what we want, despite our efforts and persistent hard work. That’s another painful truth. That’s another way Allah S.W.T can test us.

But the takeaway is that: If you want good- you gotta do good. 

7. “So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it.” 

 [Quran: Surah Zalzalah 99: Ayah 7]

Here Allah S.W.T is encouraging us that doing good will NEVER go wasted.

Atom’s weight? What could be more encouraging than that? 

So don’t ever hesitate to listen to your conscience. There’s goodness behind every whisper of your Dhameer and there’s reward behind every good deed- no matter how small.

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Last Update

25 February, 2025

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Minimum 4.4+

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