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Dear Islamic brothers! Mother is a unique gift of Allah عزوجل.
The dignity of mother has been mentioned in the Holy Quran and Ahadees. One who obeys his mother succeeds in attaining the pleasure of Allah (S.W.T) and and the beloved Rasool (S.A.W).
What it means is that a dutiful son or daughter is more likely to earn God's pleasure by virtue of their mother's continued supplications for them to be guided by God in everything that benefits them. Moreover, children become better individuals when they exert themselves to please their mother.
This book includes the following topics
* Dignity of mother!
* Two Madani Pearls
* Excellent of Salat Alan Nabi
* Intention of listening to bayan
* Consequence of one who speaks ill of parents
* Grave breaks ribs
Companion in paradise
* Ateeq by virtue of mother's Dua
* Respect for mother
* Great mother
* If parents quarrel with each other, what should children do?
Summary of the book.
When you read this book you will hear that
* By looking at parents mercifully one gets the Sawab of accepted Hajj.
* One who disobeys his parents, falls into disgrace in the world and the Hereafter.
* Happy, make Du’as for them, obey every permissibe order of theirs and get
* Mother sacrifices her wishes for the sake of her chidren.
* The curse of mother disgraces and humiliates a person in the world and
* By looking at parents mercifully one gets the Sawab of accepted Hajj.
* Enable all the Muslims to obey their parents, keep them.
* One who obeys his mother wil be with pious people in Paradise.
* One who disobeys his parents, falls into disgrace in the world and the
* Mother’s Du’a makes a person deserving of Paradise.
* Mother’s Du’a helps to get rid of troubles and difficulties.
* Two doors of Hell open for the one who spends his morning disobeying his parents.