Monday, December 2, 2024

Yadda Ake Neman Aure A Musulunci

Yadda Ake Neman Aure A Musulunci

Hakika Neman Aure A Musulunci a halin yanzu ko muce a wannan zamani, Ya Bambanta kwarai Da Yawancin Abinda Yake Faruwa A Qasar Hausa.

Addinin Musulunci Ya Tsara Mana Irin Matar Ko Mijin Da Zamu Aura, Da Kuma Yadda Za'ayi Wajen Neman Auren.

Manzon Allah (S.A.W) Yace Mana "Ka Auri Ma'abociyar Addini...."

Sannan Kuma Yace Mana: "Idan Mutumin Da Kuka Yarda Da (Yadda Yake Rikon) Addininsa Yazo Muku Yana Neman 'yarku Da Aure, To Ku Aurar Masa. Idan Baku Yi Haka Ba, Fitina Zata Afku Adoron Qasa Da Kuma 'barna Mai Girma"

Saboda Haka Kunga Kenan Kyakyawar Tarbiyyah Ita Ce Abin Dubawa Awajen Saurayi Ko Budurwar Da Za'a Aura. 

Ba Wai Kudi Ko Nasaba Ko Kyawun Halitta Ko Muqami Ba.

Su Ma Wadannan Din Ana Son Su. Amma Ba Su Bane Abinda Ake Fara Dubawa Ba.

Yadda Za Ka Yi:

Idan Kaga Wata Yarinya Wacce Kake So, To Farkon Abinda Ya Kamata Kayi Shine Kayi Kokarin Neman Izinin Manyanta Tun Kafin Ka Fara Tsayuwa Da Ita.

Zaka Iya Sanar Da Ita Cewar Kana Sonta Ta Hanyar Wani Abokinka Ko Kuma Qawarta. Amma Ba Zaka Fara Karbar Lambar Wayarta Ko Kuma Zance Da Ita Ba Kai Tsaye, Har Sai Da Yardar Magabatanku.

Bayan Ka Samu Yardar Manyanta, Sai Kuma Ku Tsara Ma Kanku Lokacin Hira Da Kuma Wajen Da Za'ayi Hirar, Gwargwadon Yadda Addini Ya Tsara.

Haramun Ne Ku Ke'bance Awani Guri Daga Kai Sai Ita (Kamar Yadda Yawanci Ake Yi Yanzu).

Koda Kuwa Baka Jin Komai Azuciyarka..

Irin Hakan Shi Yake Sawa Ake Afkawa Cikin Zinace-zinace.

Manzon Rahama (S.A.W) Yace: "Bai Halatta Ga Wani Mutum Ya Kebance Da Wata Mace Ba, Sai Dai Idan Suna Tare Da Wani Muharrami".

Awani Hadisin Kuma, Cewa Yayi: "Idan Namiji Ya Kebance Da Wata Mace, (Daga Shi Sai Ita) To Shaitan Shine Na Ukunsu".

Bai Halatta Ku Zauna Daf-da-juna Ba.

Bai Halatta Ku Riqa Ta'ba Jikin Juna Ba, Ballantana Rungumar Juna, Da Sauransu.

Yafi Kyau Idan Har Yarinya Ta Samu Manemi, To Agaggauta Aurar Da Ita.

Jinkirin Da Ake Samu, Shima Yana Sanya Yawaitar Zinace-zinace.

Sannan Kuma Za'a Iya Zama Tsakanin Iyalan Saurayin Dana Budurwar Su Zauna Atsakaninsu, Su Tsara Yadda Harkar Auren Zata Gudana.

Zai Fi Kyau Acire Duk Yawancin Abubuwan Da Ake Yi Na Al'ada.. Atsaya Akan Abinda Addini Ya Koyar.

Dafatan Allah Yakara Datar Damu

Albarkacin Annabi Muhammadu

Article Translation in English Language.

In fact, looking for marriage in Islam at the present time or let's say in this era, is very different from most of the things that happen in the country of Hausa. 

The religion of Islam has defined for us the type of wife or husband that we will be married to, and how it will be done in the search for marriage. 

The Messenger of God (S.A.W) said to us, "Marry a religious woman..." Then He told us: "If a man whose religion you agree with (how he adheres to) his religion comes to you and asks for your daughter in marriage, then marry him. 

If you do not do so, the tribulation will befall the beauty of the earth and great destruction." That's why you know that a good upbringing is the thing to look at when a boyfriend or girlfriend is going to fall in love. 

It's not about money or family or beauty or position. These are also loved. But They Are Not The First Look.

How to do it: If you see a girl that you like, then the first thing you should do is to try to get her permission before you start dating her. You can let her know that you love her through a friend or her friend. 

But you will not start receiving her phone number or talking to her directly, until you have the consent of your predecessors. 

After you get the consent of the elders, then plan for yourself the time of the interview and the place where the interview will take place, according to the way the religion has arranged. 

It is forbidden to separate someone from you except her (as is usually done now). Even if you don't care about your sins.. 
This is what he wears and is attacked in adultery. 
The Prophet of Mercy (S.A.W) said: "It is not permissible for a man to separate from another woman, unless they are together with another Muharram". 
Another hadith also says: "If a man separates from a woman, then Satan is the third of them". 

It is not permissible for you to sit next to each other. It is not permissible for you to touch each other's bodies, let alone hug each other, and others. It is better if the girl has a husband, then marry her as soon as possible. 

The delay in obtaining, also causes the prevalence of adultery. And it will be possible for the families of the young man and the young woman to sit between them and plan how the marriage will proceed. It would be better to get rid of most of the normal things.. 

Focus on what the religion teaches. 



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