A cikin wannan mukalan ta yau zan koya maku yadda zaku cire private number a wayarku idan kun shiga bisa kuskure sannan kuka kasa fita daga cikin.
shi setting na private number ana sanya shi domin idan ka kira mutum ba zai ga number dinka ba sai dai yaga an rubuta private number ko kuma unknown caller, mafi yawa zaka samu mutane Kan shiga tsarin ne ba tare da sanin su ba kuma sukanyi iya yinsu domin fita daga cikin tsarin sai su kasa.
saboda haka ne naga ya dace inyi maku bayani dalla-dalla game da yadda ake fita daga private number din.
Da farko zaku latsa wajen da kuke Kiran waya wato Call App sai Ku latsa wasu digo guda uku dake sama hannun dama, sai Ku latsa Calling Account
Sannan sai ku latsa SIM card din da kuke son cirewa private number, idan kun latsa shi zaku ga additional call setting sai ku latsa zai kaiku wajen calling Id indan zaku zabi Network Default ko kuma Show my Number, shi kenan kun cire numbarku daga private number.
Haka zalika zaku iya cire numbarku daga private number ta hanyar latsa wadannan Lambobin Ku danna kira #31#, da zaran kun latsa wadannan Lambobin shike nan kun cire lambarku daga private number.
dafatan kun gamsu da wannan bayanin.
Article Translation in English Language.
In today's article, I will teach you how to remove a private number from your phone if you log in by mistake and cannot log out.
The private number setting is set because if you call a person, he will not see your number unless he sees a private number or unknown caller, most of the time you will get people who enter the system without knowing them and they are not able to do it.
To get out of the system and they fail. That's why I think it's appropriate to give you a detailed explanation about how to get out of the private number.
First of all, you will click on the Calling App, then click on the three dots on the top right, then click on Calling Account.
Then you have to press the SIM card you want to remove private number, if you press it you will see additional call setting then press it and it will take you to calling ID where you can choose Network Default or Show my Number, that's how you removed your number from private number .
In the same way, you can remove your number from the private number by dialing these numbers and dialing #31#, as soon as you press these numbers, you have removed your number from the private number. I hope you are satisfied with this information.