Kasar da tafi kowace kasa talauci a duniya itace kasar Sudan ta kudu wacce ke nahiyar Africa, kasa ce wacce ta dogara da arzokin man fetur a matsayin hanyar samun kudin shiga. Amma rikicin kabilanci da na siyasa da kasar ke fama da shi ya jefa Al'ummar kasar cikin bakin talaucin da babu irinsa a duniya.
Kamar yadda asusun bada lamani na duniya ya kiyassa tattalin arzikin Sudan ta kudu, GDP dinta shine Dalar Amurka billiyan $13.6B Wanda yasa take mataki na 157 a duniya.
GDP ma'auni ne da ake amfani da shi wajen kimanta arzikin kasa ta yin amfani da abubuwan da ake samarwa a kasar domin amfanuwar 'yan kasar.
Idan aka kwatanta GDP din kasar Sudan ta kudu da na Masar (Egypt) mai GDP Dalar Amurka tiriliyan $1.899t wacce itace tafi kowace kasa a nahiyar Afrika arziki ta dinka Sudan ta kudu sau 135.
Article Translation in English Language.
Which is the poorest Country in the world?
The poorest country in the world is South Sudan which is located in Africa, it is a country that depends on oil resources as a source of income.
But the ethnic and political conflict that the country is suffering from has put the nation in the brink of poverty that is unprecedented in the world.
According to the International Monetary Fund, South Sudan's economy is estimated to have a GDP of $13.6 billion, making it the 157th country in the world.
GDP is a measure that is used to evaluate the country's wealth by using the things that are produced in the country for the benefit of the citizens.
If you compare the GDP of South Sudan with that of Egypt (Egypt) with a GDP of USD 1.899 trillion which is 135 times more than any other country in Africa.