Thursday, December 12, 2024

Translation of suratul falaq in Hausa

Translation of suratul falaq in Hausa

Suratul falaq wacce muke kira da surah kul'azu birabbil falaq itace sir ta 113 a cikin surorin Alqur'ani tana da ayoyi 5, ana karanta wannan surah domin neman tsari daga sharrin duk Wani mai yinsa da kuma sharrin Mai hassada.

Falaq itace Surah Ta 113
1; Ka ce "ina neman tsari ga Ubangijin safiya"

2; "Daga sharrin abin da Ya halitta."

3; "Da sharrin dare, idan ya yi duhu."

4; "Da sharrin mata masu tofi a cikin kulle-kulle."

5; "Da sharrin mai hasada idan ya yi hasada."

Article Translation in English Language.

Surat al-falaq, which we call surah kul'azu birabbil falaq, is the 113th chapter in the Qur'anic chapters, it has 5 verses, this surah is read to seek refuge from the evil of anyone who does it and the evil of the envious.

1; Say "I seek protection from the Lord of the morning" 
2; "From the evil of what He created." 
3; "The worst of the night, when it gets dark." 
4; "And the evil of women who spit in the locked." 
5; "The evil of the envious person if he envies."



Etiam at libero iaculis, mollis justo non, blandit augue. Vestibulum sit amet sodales est, a lacinia ex. Suspendisse vel enim sagittis, volutpat sem eget, condimentum sem.