Sirrin fatahi Annabi yafinan wakar begen Annabi ce Wanda shahararren mawakin yabon Annabi, Abdullahi sirrin fatahi ya rera inda ya yake nuna matsayi da daukaka na Annabi Muhammad (S.A.W).
Domin sauko da wannan wakar yabon Annabi (S.A.W) cikin wayarka ko na'ura mai kwakwalwa sai Ka latsa wannan alamar dake kasa.
Article Translation in English Language.
The secret of Fatahi "Annabi yafinan" is the best praise song of the Prophet who was sung by the famous singer of praise of the Prophet, Abdullahi Sirin Fatahi, where he shows the status and glory of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
In order to download this song of praise of the Prophet (S.A.W) into your phone or computer, please click on the icon below.