Monday, December 2, 2024

Reward for helping orphans in Islam

Reward for helping orphans in Islam

Helping orphans is a significant part of Islam and considered a great act of charity which will be rewarded in the Hereafter. 
Orphans are mentioned 22 times in the Qur’an; their mistreatment is a serious sin, while nurturing and sponsoring them is an immensely valuable good deed.

Here’s how this good deed is beneficial in this life and the next:

You will be close to the Prophet Muhammad (saw)
Sponsoring orphans is a cause particularly dear to the Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) heart. He (saw) was also an orphan - his father passed away before he was even born, and his mother passed away when he was a young child.

The Prophet (saw) said, ‘The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this’, and he (saw) held his two fingers together to illustrate. [Bukhari]

SubhanAllah, to be close to the Prophet (saw) you don’t have to be one of the Sahabah (Companions), stand in prayer all night or give away all your wealth. You only have to sponsor one orphan to attain this incredibly high status.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘The best house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are well-treated. The worst house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are ill-treated’. [Bukhari]

Ultimately, the status of ‘best house’ is not achieved by anything material such as property value, a beautiful garden or an expensive refurbishing - the best home is one which shows care and concern for orphans.

Especially during lockdowns, when we are spending all our time at home, we should strive to make our homes blessed places where angels gather, the Name of Allah is remembered and the Sunnah is lived.

Article Translation in Hausa Language.

Kula da marayu muhimmin bangare ne na Musulunci. An ambaci marayu sau 22 a cikin Alkur’ani; zaluncinsu babban zunubi ne, alhali tarbiyya da daukar nauyinsu abu ne mai matukar kima. 

Ga yadda wannan aikin alheri ke da fa'ida a rayuwar duniya da lahira: Za ka kasance kusa da Annabi Muhammad (saw) Tallafawa marayu lamari ne da ya ke so musamman a zuciyar Annabi Muhammad (saw). 

Shi ma maraya ne – mahaifinsa ya rasu tun kafin a haife shi, kuma mahaifiyarsa ta rasu tun yana karami. Manzon Allah (saww) ya ce, ‘Wanda yake kula da maraya da ni da kaina, haka nan za su kasance tare a Aljannah’, sai ya hada ‘yan yatsunsa guda biyu wuri guda don yin misali. [Bukhari] Subhanallah, don kusanci da Annabi (saw) ba sai ka kasance daga cikin Sahabbai (Sahabbai) ba, kana tsayuwar dare a cikin sallah, ko ka ba da dukkan dukiyarka. 
Dole ne ku ɗauki nauyin maraya ɗaya kawai don samun wannan babban matsayi mai ban mamaki.

Manzon Allah (saww) ya ce, ‘Mafi alherin gida a cikin musulmi shi ne gidan da ake kyautatawa marayu a cikinsa. 

Mafi sharrin gida a cikin musulmi shi ne gidan da ake wulakanta marayu a cikinsa‛. [Bukhari] Daga ƙarshe, matsayin 'mafi kyawun gida' ba a samun shi ta kowane abu kamar ƙimar dukiya, kyakkyawan lambu ko gyare-gyare mai tsada - mafi kyawun gida shine wanda ke nuna kulawa da damuwa ga marayu. 

Musamman a lokacin kulle-kulle, a duk lokacin da muke cikin gida, mu himmatu wajen sanya gidajenmu wurare masu albarka da mala'iku suke taruwa, a rika ambaton Allah da raya Sunnah.



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