Monday, December 9, 2024

Rantsuwar da ake masu kaffara da Wanda ba'a masu kaffara

A cikin wannan jawabin Wanda babban limamin masallacin juma'a kasa dake Abuja farfesa Ibrahim Ahmad maqari yayi game da ire-iren rantsuwa inda ya bayyana cewa rantsuwa kala hudu ne.

Biyu daga cikin wadannan rantsuwan idan mutum yayi su sai yayi azumin kaffara guda uku yayin da sauran biyun bazai yi azumin kaffara ba.

Kala biyun da ake masu kaffara shine mutum ya rantse bazai yi Abu ba sai ya dawo yana so yayi ko Kuma ya rantse zaiyi abu ba sai ya dawo baiyi ba ya fasa, to wannan rantsuwan kala biyu ana masu kaffara.

Rantsuwan da ba'a masu kaffara sune mutum ya rantse baiyi abu ba sai daga baya ya baiyana yayi ko kuma mutum ya rantse yayi abu sai daga baya ya baiyana baiyi ba.

To wadannan rantsuwan ba'a masu kaffara ne idan mutum bisa rashin sani ne, Amma idan mutum da gangan yasan cewa abun da yayi da gaskene Kuma ya rantse baiyi ba to wannan ya wuce ayi kaffara sai dai neman tuba a wajen Allah Madaukakin sarki saboda wasa da mutum yayi da janibin mahalicci.

Allah (S.W.A) kare mana imaninmu.

Article Translation in English Language.

In this speech, the chief imam of the Friday Mosque in Abuja, Professor Ibrahim Ahmad Al-Maqari, spoke about the types of oaths, where he explained that there are four types of oaths. 

Two of these oaths, if a person takes them, then he fasts three times in expiation, while the other two do not fast in expiation. 

The two types of atonement are when a person swears that he will not do something and then comes back wanting to do it or he swears to do something and then returns and does not do it and breaks it, then these two types of oaths are called atonement. 

Oaths that are not expunged are the ones where a person swears not to do something and then confesses to it or a person swears to do something and then confesses and does not do it, then these oaths are not expiation only if a person does them Ignorance, but if a person deliberately swears that what he has done is true and he swears that he has not done it, then this is more than making atonement, but asking for repentance before God Almighty because of what a person has done with the Creator (The All mighty Allah). 

May Allah (S.W.A) protect our faith.



Etiam at libero iaculis, mollis justo non, blandit augue. Vestibulum sit amet sodales est, a lacinia ex. Suspendisse vel enim sagittis, volutpat sem eget, condimentum sem.