Monday, December 16, 2024

Karatun littafin Muwadda Malik na Dr Ahmad BUK

Karatun littafin Muwadda Malik na Dr Ahmad BUK

Wannan manhajar na dauke da karatun Muwadda Malik ibn Anas Wanda babban malamin musulunci Dr Ahmad BUK ya gabatar a lokacin rayuwarsa, wanda yayi suna wajen yada addinin musulunci a gida da kuma wajen Nigeria.

A cikin wannnan manhajar akwai wasu daga cikin zababbun lectures da nasihohi da malam ya gabatar a warure daban-daban.
Muna adduar Allah (S.W.A) ya kara taimakar malam wajen irin kokarin da yakeyi a wajen yada addinin sa.
Mu kuma Allah ya bamu ikon ji da kuma amfani da duk kan abin da muka saurara.

Brief explanation about the book of muwadda malik

The Muwaṭṭaʾ (Arabic: الموطأ‎‎) of Imam Malik is the earliest written collection of hadith comprising the subjects of Islamic law, compiled and edited by the Imam, Malik ibn Anas. Malik's best-known work, Al-Muwatta was the first legal work to incorporate and join hadith and fiqh together.


It is considered to be from the earliest extant collections of hadith that form the basis of Islamic jurisprudence alongside the Qur'an. Nonetheless, is not merely a collection of hadith; many of the legal precepts it contains are based not on hadith at all. The book covers rituals, rites, customs, traditions, norms and laws of the time of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

It is reported that Imam Malik selected for inclusion into the Muwatta just over 1900 narrations, from the 100,000 narrations he had available to him.

Due to increase in juristic differences, the Caliph of the time, Abū Ja‘far al-Manṣūr, requested Imām Mālik to produce a standard book that could be promulgated as law in the country. The Imam refused this in 148 AH, but when the Caliph again came to the Ḥijāz in 163 AH, he was more forceful and said:

“O Abū ‘Abd Allāh, take up the reign of the discipline of fiqh in your hands. Compile your understanding of every issue in different chapters for a systematic book free from the harshness of ‘Abd Allāh b. ‘Umar, concessions and accommodations of ‘Abd Allāh b. ‘Abbās and unique views of ‘Abd Allāh b. Mas‘ūd. Your work should exemplify the following principle of the Prophet: “The best issues are those which are balanced.” It should be a compendium of the agreed upon views of the Companions and the elder imāms on the religious and legal issues.



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