Imam Suyuti was an Islamic scholar with a profound knowledge in seven fields of science; Hadith interpretation, Fiqh, Arabic grammar, Ma’ani, Bayan, and Badi’, through the experts in language, and balaghah.
As Sayuthi’s full name was Al-Hafizh Abdurrahman Ibn Al- Kamal Abi Bakr Ibn Muhammad Ibn Sabiq ad-Din Ibn Al-Fakhr Utsman ibn Nazhir ad-Din al-Hamam al-Khudairi al-Sayuthi. The author of “Mu’jam al-Mallifin” added, “Athaluni al-Mishri Asy-Syafi’i”, and he was given the title of ‘Jalaluddeen’ , and nicknamed with Abdul Fadhal.
As-Sayuthi was born in the region of Asyuth, after the maghrib time on Sunday night, in the month of Rajab, 849 H, as he himself revealed, and the historians were in agreement over his year of birth, except for Ibn Iyas and Ismail Pasha al-Baghdadi who assumed that As-Sayuthi was born in the month of Jumada ats Tsani.
Category | Personalizations |
Developer | Konami |
Last Update | 29 December, 2024 |
Version Requirement | Minimum 4.1+ |
Application Version | 1.1 |
Application Size | 28MB |