Saturday, November 30, 2024

Yare nawane a Najeriya?

Yare nawane a Najeriya?

Kasar Najeriya na da yare sama da 371 wanda Kabila daban-daban ke amfani da su a matsayin harshensu don yin mu'amala a tsakaninsu amma Hausa,Yoruba da Igbo sune manya-manyan yarukan dake da kabilu Masu yawa a Kasar.

A alkalumar da shafin matambayi baya bata ya fitar Kashi 30 cikin dari na Al'ummar najeriya ke amfani da harshen Hausa, ma'ana yawan Masu amfani da harshen Hausa yakai miliyan 70 kenan na adadin miliyan 230,000,000 na yawan Al'umman najeriya wanda yawancinsu ke Arewacin najeriyan, yayin da sauran keda wannan kason.
Yoruba (15.5%), Igbo (15.2%), Fulani (6%), Ibibio (1.8%), Tiv (2.4%), Kanuri (2.4%), Ijaw (1.8%).

Article Translation in English Language.

The country of Nigeria has more than 371 languages ​​that are used by different tribes to communicate among themselves but Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo are the main languages ​​of many tribes in the country.

According to the statistics of the question page, 30 percent of the Nigerian people use the Hausa language, which means that the number of Hausa language users is 70 million out of the 230,000,000 million of the Nigerian population, most of whom are Northern Nigeria, while the rest are in this category. Yoruba (15.5%), Igbo (15.2%), Fulani (6%), Ibibio (1.8%), Tiv (2.4%), Kanuri (2.4%), Ijaw (1.8%).



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