mabiya addinin dake da rinjayen yawan Al'umma a duniya sune mabiya addinin kirista wadanda keda yawan Al'umma biliyan 2.4b na yawan jama'an duniya 7.951b, Kashi 30% cikin dari na Al'umman duniya mabiya addinin kiristane.
Addinin Islam ( musulunci) shine a mataki na biyu bayan kiristanci inda yake da yawan Al'umma biliyan 1.9b
Article Translation in English Language
The followers of the religion that has the majority of the population in the world are the Christians who make up the population of 2.4 billion of the world's population of 7.951 billion, 30% percent of the world's population are Christians.
The religion of Islam (Islam) is on the second level after Christianity where it has a population of 1.9 billion people