S/N | Kasa | Yawan Al’umman kasar | Kaso na Yawan Musulman Kasar % |
1 | Afghanistan | 37,135,000 | 99.7% |
2 | Albania | 3,057,220 | 58.8% |
3 | Algeria | 44,178,884 | 99% |
4 | Azerbaijan | 10,353,296 | 97.3% |
5 | Bahrain | 1,442,659 | 73.7% |
6 | Bangladesh | 165,200,000 | 91.0% |
7 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 3,849,891 | 50.7% |
8 | Brunei | 450,565 | 80.9% |
9 | Burkina Faso | 21,382,659 | 63.8% |
10 | Chad | 15,833,116 | 58% |
11 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 593 | 66% |
12 | Comoros | 821,164 | 98.3% |
13 | Djibouti | 884,017 | 97% |
14 | Egypt | 95,000,000 | 94% |
15 | Eritrea | 6,000,000 | 51% |
16 | Gambia | 2,413,403 | 96% |
17 | Guinea | 11,855,411 | 89% |
18 | Indonesia | 279,000,000 | 87% |
19 | Iran | 83,000,000 | 99% |
20 | Iraq | 40,462,701 | 98% |
21 | Jordan | 10,458,413 | 97% |
22 | Kazakhstan | 18,744,548 | 70% |
23 | Kosovo | 1,907,592 | 93% |
24 | Kuwait | 2,916,467 | 75% |
25 | Kyrgyzstan | 6,500,000 | 90% |
26 | Lebanon | 5,261,372 | 68% |
27 | Libya | 6,754,507 | 97% |
28 | Malaysia | 32,730,000 | 64% |
29 | Maldives | 374,775 | 100% |
30 | Mali | 18,429,893 | 95% |
31 | Mauritania | 4,161,925 | 99.9% |
32 | Mayotte | 256,518 | 97% |
33 | Morocco | 36,738,229 | 99% |
34 | Niger | 21,466,863 | 98% |
35 | Oman | 4,633,752 | 86% |
36 | Pakistan | 241,500,000 | 97% |
37 | Palestine | 4,780,978 | 98% |
38 | Qatar | 2,450,285 | 78% |
39 | Saudi Arabia | 34,220,000 | 96% |
40 | Senegal | 17,923,036 | 97% |
41 | Sierra Leone | 7,719,729 | 78% |
42 | Somalia | 11,000,000 | 99.8% |
43 | Sudan | 40,825,770 | 96% |
44 | Syria | 18,000,000 | 86% |
45 | Tajikistan | 9,540,000 | 97.9% |
46 | Tunisia | 11,446,300 | 97.8% |
47 | Turkeye | 86,000,000 | 98% |
48 | Turkmenistan | 6,031,187 | 93.7% |
49 | United Arab Emirates | 9,541,615 | 72% |
50 | Uzbekistan | 34,036,800 | 88.7% |
51 | Western Sahara | 603,253 | 99.4% |
52 | Yemen | 27,036,829 | 97.2% |
Kasashen Musulmi nawane aduniya?
Kasashen Musulmi a duniya Wadanda Mafi rinjayen Al'ummar kasar musulmai ne su hamsin da biyu ne (52). kasar dake kan gaba a jerin Kasashen itace kasar Maldives wacce ke tsibirin tekun India a nahiyar Afrika, tana da yawan Al'umma 374,775 kuma kaso 100% na yawan Al'ummar kasar musulmai ne.
Ga jerin Kasashen da musulmai keda rinjaye a kasar.
Article Translation in English Language
There are 52 countries in the world in which the majority of their population are Muslims.
The leading country in the list of these Muslims countries is Maldives, which is an island in the Indian Ocean in Africa,
It has a population of 374,775 and 100% of the country's population are Muslims.
Here is a list of countries where Muslims are dominant in the country.