Monday, November 18, 2024

Kasashe nawane a nahiyar Asiya?

 Kasashe nawane a nahiyar Asiya?

Adadin Kasashen dake yankin nahiyar Asiya su 48 kamar yadda yake a alkaluman majalisar dinkin duniya na Kasashe masu cikakken 'yanci da wadanda basu da cikakken 'yanci.

A cikin wannan jerin kowace kasa akwai alkaluman yawan jama'anta inda Kasar India ta kasance mafi yawan al'umma a nahiyar da ma duniya baki daya.

Article Translation in English Language

The figures of countries in the Asian continent is 48 as it is in the figures Of the United Nations of Countries that are independents and those that are not independents. 
In this list of each country there are figures of its population where India is the most populous nation in the continent and in the whole world.

1 India                        1,450,935,791
2 China                      1,419,321,278
3 Indonesia               283,487,931
4 Pakistan                  251,269,164
5 Bangladesh            173,562,364
6 Japan                     123,753,041
7 Philippines             115,843,670
8 Vietnam                 100,987,686
9 Iran                          91,567,738
10 Turkey                   87,473,805
11 Thailand               71,668,011
12 Myanmar              54,500,091
13 South Korea         51,717,590
14 Iraq                        46,042,015
15 Afghanistan         42,647,492 
16 Yemen                   40,583,164
17 Uzbekistan            36,361,859
18 Malaysia                35,557,673
19 Saudi Arabia          33,962,757
20 Nepal                      29,651,054
21 North Korea          26,498,823
22 Syria                        24,672,760
23 Sri Lanka                23,103,565
24 Kazakhstan            20,592,571
25 Cambodia              17,638,801
26 Jordan                    11,552,876
27 UAE                         11,027,129,
28 Tajikistan                10,590,927
29 Azerbaijan              10,336,577
30 Israel                       9,387,021
31 Laos                        7,769,819
32 Turkmenistan        7,494,498
33 Kyrgyzstan             7,186,009
34 Singapore               5,832,387
35 Lebanon                  5,805,962
36 Palestine                 5,495,443
37 Oman                       5,281,538
38 Kuwait                     4,934,507
39 Georgia                    3,807,670
40 Mongolia                 3,475,540
41 Qatar                       3,048,423
42 Armenia                  2,973,840
43 Bahrain                   1,607,049
44 Timor-Leste            1,400,638
45 Cyprus                     1,358,282
46 Bhutan                      791,524
47 Maldives                  527,799
48 Brunei                       462,721 



Etiam at libero iaculis, mollis justo non, blandit augue. Vestibulum sit amet sodales est, a lacinia ex. Suspendisse vel enim sagittis, volutpat sem eget, condimentum sem.