Friday, November 22, 2024

kasar da tafi yawan musulmai a duniya

 kasar da tafi yawan musulmai a duniya

Kasar da tafi yawan musulmi a duniya itace kasar Indonesia wacce keda yawan Al'ummar musulmai da yawansu yakai miliyan 242 (242,000,000).
Bayan Indonesia sai kasar Pakistan wacce keda yawan Al'ummar musulmai miliyan 240, (240,000,000), sai kasar India wacce ke mataki na uku da yawan Al'ummar musulmai 200, (200,000,000).
Ga sauran Kasashen da suke da yawan Al'ummar musulmai a duniya nan. 

Article Translation in English Language.

The country with the largest number of Muslims in the world is Indonesia, which has a population of 242 million Muslims (242,000,000). 
After Indonesia, there is Pakistan, which has a population of 240 million Muslims, (240,000,000), then India, which is the third country with a population of 200, (200,000,000). 
There are the list of other countries that have a large number of Muslim in the world.

1- Indonesia 242,000,000

2- Pakistan 240,000,000

3- India  200,000,000

4- Bangladesh 150,000,000

5- Nigeria 95,000,000

6- Egypt 85,000,000

7- Iran 82,000,000

8- Turkiye 72,000,000

9- Algeria 41,000,000

10- Sudan 39,000,000



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