Misalan Karin magana:
"A Tauna tsakuwa domin aya taji tsaro"
wannan Karin magana ne dake nufin daukar wani mataki na hukunci ga wani domin Wanda bai kaishi girma ko matsayi ba yaji tsoro domin kiyaye aikata abin da zaisa ayi Masa makwancin yadda aka yi ma nagaba dashi.
"A rika sara ana duban bakin gatari"
Karin Magana ne dake nufin duk abin da mutum ke aikatawa ya rinka la'akari da yadda yakamata ya rinka yi kada yayi ta aikatashi Babu lura da abin da yake yi domin gudun yin dana sani a karshe.
Article Translation in English Language.
Proverbs are some words or phrases that are used to convey a message in a wise and intelligent way that no one will understand except those who know their meaning.
For example, "A chicken is left in its hair" this sentence means to leave a hidden secret that should not be said or revealed to anyone.
Examples of Adverbs: "Chew the pebbles so that you will be safe" This is a proverb that means to take some action of punishment for someone because the one who has not reached greatness or status is afraid to keep doing what he has to do to him the way he was treated.
"When you chop, you look at the edge of the ax"
It is a idiom that means everything a person does, he should consider how he should do it and not do it up headed. There is no attention to what he does in order to avoid knowing in the end.