Friday, November 29, 2024

fassarar arba'una hadith da hausa


fassarar arba'una hadith da hausa

Fassarar Littafin Arbauna Nawawi, an Fassarashi ne daga Larabci zuwa yaren Hausa

Dukkan yabo da Godiya sun tabbata ga Allah Madaukakin sarki, Tsira da Amincin Allah su kara tabbata ga fiyayyen halitta Annabi Muhammad  bayan haka, Wannan littafi ne da yake bayani a kan Hadisai wanda imam Nawawi ya wallafa guda 40, wanda akayi cikin harshen Larabci zuwa Hausa, domin amfanin Al'umman Musulmi a duk inda suke a fadin duniya kasancewar wannan wata hanya ce mafi sauki wajen yada sakon Allah da manzonsa a cikin fadin duniyar nan ga miliyoyin mutane da suke rayuwa a kasashe daban-daban da zasu samu anfanin Karatu a saukake.

* Fassarar Littafin Arbauna Nawawi- an Hada wannan manhajar ne, domin al'ummar hausawa dake fadin duniyar nan, ta yadda zasu samu saukin Karatu, kasancewar wasu Hausawa da suke a kasashen waje daban-daban a dukkan fadin duniyar nan.

Article Translation in English Language.

The translation of Arbauna Nawawi's book, translated from Arabic to Hausa language All praise and thanks be to God Almighty, May God's peace and blessings be upon the best creation, Prophet Muhammad after that. 

This is a book that explains about Hadiths published by imam Nawawi in 40 chapters, which was translated from Arabic to Hausa. , for the benefit of the Muslim community everywhere in the world because this is the easiest way to spread the message of God and His Messenger throughout the world to millions of people who live in different countries who will benefit from reading in take it easy.

Translation of Arbauna Nawawi's Book - This software is included, for the Hausas community all over the world, so that they can read easily, as there are some Hausas who are in different countries all over the world.



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