Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Falala da Muhimmancin Azumin Tasu'a da Ashura ga Musulmi

Falala da Muhimmancin Azumin Ashura da Tasu'a ga Musulmi

Azumin Ashura da Tasu'a Azumi ne da Al'ummar musulmi ke yi a ranakun 9 da 10 ga watan Al-Muharram na kowace shekaran domin yin koyi da sunnar Manzon Allah (S.A.W).

Manzon Allah Annabi MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) ya ce "Ku yi Azumin Ashura, ina fatan Allah zai karbe shi a matsayin kaffara ga zubnuban da kuka aikata a shekaran da ta gabata" - Muslim. 

Haka zalika Imamu Muslim ya ruwaito hadisi daga Ibn Abbas (RA) ya ce, Manzon Allah (SAW) ya ce, “Idan Allah ya rayani zuwa shekara mai zuwa , zan azumci ranar Tasu’a (rana ta tara ga watan Muharram). ; ban da Ashura (rana ta goma)".  Ibn Abbas ya ce Annabi (SAW) duk da haka bai rayu ya ga shekara mai zuwa ba. Amma
Imam Annawawi ya ce malamai da dama da suka hada da Imam Shafi'i da Ahmad da Imam Ishaq da sauransu duk sun tafi a kan cewa azumin Ashura da Tasu'a dukkansu sunnonin Manzon Allah ne da ya kamata musulmi su kiyaye domin a lokacin da ya yi azumin ranar Ashura, ya yi niyya yin azumin Tasu'a, wanda a wajen malamai ya zama Sunnah. 

Don haka yakamata Musulmi mu yi kokarin azumtar wadannan ranakun idan Allah yaba da ikon azumtar dukansu domin samun falalar Allah da gafaransa.

Article Translation in English Language.

The fast of Ashura and Tasu'a is a fast that the Muslim community does on the 9th and 10th of the month of Al-Muharram every year to imitate the Sunnah of the Messenger of God (S.A.W). 

The Messenger of God Prophet MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) said "Fast Ashura, I hope that Allah will accept it as an atonement for the sins you committed in the previous year" - Muslim. 
In the same way, Imam Muslim narrated a hadith from Ibn Abbas (RA) who said that the Messenger of God (PBUH) said, "If God blesses me for the coming year, I will fast on the day of Tasu'a (the ninth day of the month of Muharram). ; except for Ashura (the tenth day)". 

Ibn Abbas said that the Prophet (PBUH) did not live to see the coming year. But Imam Annawawi said that many scholars, including Imam Shafi'i, Ahmad, Imam Ishaq, and others, all agreed that fasting on Ashura and Tasu'a are all sunnahs of the Messenger of God that Muslims should observe because when he fasted on the day of Ashura, he intended to fast Tasu'a, which according to the scholars is Sunnah. 

Therefore, we Muslims should try to fast on these days for God, Almighty to appreciates the ability to fast on all of them in order to receive His grace and forgiveness.



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